

Friday Five – Things to blow money on

Posted By on Friday April 19, 2013 at 2:53 pm
To Friday Five

Money Bin
Welcome to the Friday Five! Each week I help you get to know me a little better with the help of a top 5 list. This week’s category: Things you would blow money on.

Let’s say your rich Uncle Pennybags is killed in some shady dealing gone wrong (as is wont to happen in Atlantic City), and you’re left with a fortune. What would you do with it? Personally, I’d waste it on stupid crap, and tons of hookers and blow. While maybe I can’t go out to the store and pick up some of my choices, I’d do my damndest to make them realities.

  1. Marilyn Mon-Robot – “Gee Mavis, your house is across the street, that’s an awfully long way to go for making out.”

  3. Jetpack – Who hasn’t wanted a jetpack since the day they were born? Probably highly impractical, but I’d still one one, even if I could only use it to fly to Wawa and back for a hoagie.

  5. Flying Car – I’d gladly take one for the team and let some crazy German do his thing to me if it meant we all got flying cars.

  7. An Exosuit or a Mech – ‘Nuff said

  9. Web Shooters/Adamantium claws – I already go around making the hand gestures anyway

Web Shoters

is the proud owner of a life size replica Captain Kirk Chair. He is a hoarder of Comic Books, Transformers, and Star Trek action figures. He attended Space Camp as an adult. He has taken vacations to the closing of the Star Trek Experience and the final night Shuttle launch. He has been known to yell at his television when the kids can't put together the damn statue in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. When not writing for InsufficientScotty, he is a Software Engineer for a major healthcare communications company.

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