

RETROspective: Olympic Busts – Dan and Dave

Posted By on Monday July 30, 2012 at 11:48 am
To RETROspective

If you were being a good American, you spent the weekend watching hours and hours of an unprecedented amount of Olympic coverage. Because there is a massive amount of airtime to fill, the broadcasters try to set up a bunch of compelling stories for us to watch. And a lot of times they get it right.




RETROspective: Why is it called ‘The Princess Bride’ anyway?

Posted By on Monday July 23, 2012 at 10:59 am
To Movies, RETROspective

The Princess Bride movie poster

Allow me to blow your mind. There are no actual princesses in The Princess Bride. And technically no brides either.

If you have a ton of disposable income, (about 1.2 million dollars worth), you can own just about every console game ever made by Nintendo, Sega, and NEC.