

Friday Five – Theme Music

Posted By on Friday July 26, 2013 at 1:59 pm
To Friday Five, Music, Television

Welcome to the Friday Five! Each week I help you get to know me a bit better with the help of a top five list. This week’s category: Theme Music!
No, this isn’t a repeat. This isn’t theme songs. It’s theme music. No words allowed this week! Ok, maybe one word allowed.
Sometimes, you don’t need words (or more than one) in your theme song to immediately identify your show. If done right, like in all my picks, you know within like 4 notes what show you are watching.

  1. Star Trek – Technically, there are words to the song but they were never sung. The lyrics exists because while it’s not generally talked about in the fandom, Gene Roddenberry was a total dick. He wrote words for the music just so he could get a piece of the royalties action. Also, he was boning just about every female on the set. Why else do you think a colored woman had such a prominent part on the bridge?

  3. The Twilight Zone

  5. Batman ‘66 – Just one word is acceptable here

  7. Quantum Leap

  9. Airwolf


is the proud owner of a life size replica Captain Kirk Chair. He is a hoarder of Comic Books, Transformers, and Star Trek action figures. He attended Space Camp as an adult. He has taken vacations to the closing of the Star Trek Experience and the final night Shuttle launch. He has been known to yell at his television when the kids can't put together the damn statue in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. When not writing for InsufficientScotty, he is a Software Engineer for a major healthcare communications company.

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