

Friday Five – Movies You’ve Embarrassingly Never Seen

Posted By on Friday March 15, 2013 at 3:06 pm
To Friday Five, Movies

Mad Max
Welcome to the Friday Five! Each week I help you get to know me a little better with the help of a top 5 list. This week’s category: Movies you’ve embarrassingly never seen.
There are tons of movies out there. No matter how hard you try, there’s no way to watch them all and compromises need to be made. But sometimes there are films that pretty much everyone in your life agrees are good and you should see, but you just never get around to them and are embarrassed that you never get to join in all the conversations about them. Those conversations usually end with “How have you never seen Movie X?”

There aren’t so many singular movies I haven’t seen that are embarrassing, except maybe cinematic classics like Citizen Kane or It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s more groups or genres of movies that I’ve missed out on. The below list is in no real particular order.

  1. Any of The Evil Dead films – I know Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi are fucking awesome, but I’ve never watched any of them. This is mostly because there are like 12 different “director” cuts and remakes, and they are all insanely expensive on dvd, and being a completist, I never know which one I should watch, so I just never got around to it.

  3. Any of the Mad Max films – They’ve been parodied enough, I’ve never felt to need to see the real thing. It got enough from watching the Road Warriors in WCW.

  5. Any of The Lord of The Ring films – I wanna read the books first, but am a horrible reader. The last time I attempted to read The Hobbit, I got about 3 pages in and had to take a nap it was so dense. This is the same reason I haven’t seen any of the Harry Potter movies. That, and my ex-girlfriend dragged me to the first one and loved it and wouldn’t shut up about it. After we broke up, I had no real desire to continue with the rest.

  7. Any Nightmare on Elm Street film – I love Robert Englund, who was great in V, but have never seen any of these films. I’m not much of a horror fan. I’ve also only seen the first two Friday the 13th movies, and those are pretty painful.

  9. Almost all Pixar films – The only one I’ve seen is Toy Story 1, on video once with my parents back when you had to go to a store to rent videos rather then have them mailed to your house or streamed right to your TV. And even then, I was too old for it. Finding Nemo playing on a loop on the display TV across from the register when I was a cashier at CompUSA doesn’t count, because I never heard it and it wasn’t a conscious decision, but I suppose I’ve “seen” all of it, in bits and pieces. Since I don’t have, nor do I generally like, children, I’ve never had a reason to watch these.

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is the proud owner of a life size replica Captain Kirk Chair. He is a hoarder of Comic Books, Transformers, and Star Trek action figures. He attended Space Camp as an adult. He has taken vacations to the closing of the Star Trek Experience and the final night Shuttle launch. He has been known to yell at his television when the kids can't put together the damn statue in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. When not writing for InsufficientScotty, he is a Software Engineer for a major healthcare communications company.

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