

New Humble Bundle Aims to Bring Music Back to Schools

Posted By on Wednesday June 4, 2014 at 3:36 pm
To Movies, Music, Video Games


The Alameda Music Project,  a tuition-free after school program that brings music to young children, has announced a Humble Bundle featuring some games and a massive amount of music.

This “Music in Schools” bundle is offering more than 60 albums of music releases, featuring many well known games and movies, as well as some punk and alternative rock, and 6 full games to those willing to pay $50 or more for the bundle. The music features the likes of The String Arcade, a string quartet tribute to some of the most well known themes in games, along with soundtracks from Spelunky, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, FTL, and even some previously unreleased music for Mass Effect 3. On the games side, cult hit Audiosurf joins more under the radar titles such as Sequence, Face Noir, and Cognition.

“Soundtracks can provide a powerful connection to a video game — particularly during childhood — and may even serve as the hook that inspires a child to learn to play an instrument,” says bundle organizer Dren McDonald. “It’s incredibly empowering when children discover they can play their favorite video game score on violin, piano, or guitar. I’m proud to be partnering with Alameda Music Project, not only because they provide tuition-free music education to disadvantaged children, but also because they’re integrating game music scores as part of the curriculum to help engage, inspire, and empower them.”

If you pay less than $50, you’ll still get a good chunk of what’s being offered, but honestly, this sounds like too good of a deal to pass up. Besides, as with all Humble Bundles, you know your money is going to a good cause. So if you’re interested, you can read more about it and buy a bundle at this page, or find out more about the Alameda Music Project.

has been into gaming and just about everything nerdy or out of the norm for as long as he can remember. He likes to keep an open mind about things, but also has a strangely high amount of fun getting into a rant or good debate. . . which is probably why he was recruited to this site in the first place.

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