

Friday Five – Can’t Skip Movies

Posted By on Friday January 10, 2014 at 2:27 pm
To Friday Five, Movies

The Breakfast Club
Welcome to the Friday Five! Each week I help you get to know me a bit better with the help of a top 5 list. The category for this week is: Movies You Can’t Skip.
Say you’re scrolling though your channel guide some lazy afternoon with nothing on TV. You head on over to the movie channels and start perusing. Suddenly, a title appears in your guide. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve seen it, whether it just started or is almost finished, you’ll stop what you’re doing and watch these movies any time you come across them.

  1. The Replacements – It’s not a great film by any means, but it’s chock full of fun with a great cast (Keanu Reeves, Orlando Jones, Gene Hackman, Jon Favreau, et. al) , and every time I see it on TBS I stop what I’m doing and finish it. I even had a Shane Falco tshirt I bought from mypartyshirt.com. Note to others: Don’t buy anything from mypartyshirt.com, because that shirt fell apart after one wash, and pretty much every item I’ve ever bought from them was disappointing and misleading.

  3. Any Back to the Future – I’ve lost many a weekend to Encore doing marathons of BTTF I-III.

  5. Breakfast Club / Sixteen Candles / Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – The Holy Triumvirate of John Hughes Films. There was a time you couldn’t turn on TBS or TNT without one of these being on. It feels weird to me watching the uncut versions, because I memorized the edited for TV versions. “You can’t be with someone who licks your boots.”

  7. Any Star Trek – Its usually Star Trek: Nemesis which seems to be on the most now, and it grows on me with each viewing. For some reason, it’s on AMC all the time. It is, however, by no means an American Classic.

  9. Predator – So long as it’s before “Get to the choppa!”, I will sit and patiently wait for that.


is the proud owner of a life size replica Captain Kirk Chair. He is a hoarder of Comic Books, Transformers, and Star Trek action figures. He attended Space Camp as an adult. He has taken vacations to the closing of the Star Trek Experience and the final night Shuttle launch. He has been known to yell at his television when the kids can't put together the damn statue in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. When not writing for InsufficientScotty, he is a Software Engineer for a major healthcare communications company.

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