

Friday Five – Frustrating Games

Posted By on Friday March 1, 2013 at 12:09 pm
To Friday Five, Video Games

Welcome to the Friday Five! Each week we help you get to know our writers a little with the help of a top five list. This weeks category: Frustrating Games.

I think screaming bullshit, and declaring that the computer is a liar and a dirty cheater is a universal experience for all gamers. While it’s usually not true that the game is actively screwing with you, some games seem designed to punish players rather than entertain them.

  1. Marvel: Avengers Alliance – I haven’t been so forthcoming in articles of late because I’ve been playing this, as I’ve mentioned before. But the PVP is redonkulous. There are several combinations of players that are just unbeatable or that have extreme undefendable 1 hit combos. I’ve found myself screaming “Bullshit!” at my laptop many a time.

  3. World of Warcraft – As above, I suck at PVP. Whenever I tried in it in WoW it was me getting ganked immediately by rogues. It could have been that my two mains were a defense spec Warrior and a destruction Warlock, neither of which are great builds.

  5. Star Trek Online – If the game didn’t say Star Trek on it, I wouldn’t be playing it. The frustrating part is that after it went F2P and was bought by Perfect World, it became all about the money. Almost everything requires dilithium, the in game currency you can buy with cash or grind only a little bit in a day. This isn’t a new thing, every game does it, but Perfect World takes it to an extreme even beyond Zynga. Everything useful requires a good week or more worth’s of dilithium. To reach your daily max can take upwards of 3 hours a day of playing, just focusing on grinding, not doing other stuff. So if you want that fancy Starbase, which has multiple 200,000 dilithium projects a week, you need a full time job grinding, or to pay a lot of cash. Bullshit!

  7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) – Besides the infamous underwater stage, there are tons of near impossible jumps to be made, like the one in the sewer connecting the different parts of Stage 4, the one where you drive around in the Turtle Van. It’s why I’ve never gotten past stage 4, I fail that jump every time.

  9. Parappa the Rapper – Stupid fucking dog. What do you mean my timing is off? I hit the button right when you told me to. This is fucking bullshit!

And of course, that goddamn dog in Duck Hunt. Everyone hates that cocky son of a bitch.

Turtles Underwater Level

is the proud owner of a life size replica Captain Kirk Chair. He is a hoarder of Comic Books, Transformers, and Star Trek action figures. He attended Space Camp as an adult. He has taken vacations to the closing of the Star Trek Experience and the final night Shuttle launch. He has been known to yell at his television when the kids can't put together the damn statue in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. When not writing for InsufficientScotty, he is a Software Engineer for a major healthcare communications company.

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