Here is the second part of last week’s video about Music Stars of 1991. Even so, it still had far too much focus on bands of the 70’s for some reason.

Man, did 10 year old me loved “The Party” for some reason. I was a dumb 10 year old with no taste, what can I say? But that doesn’t mean Disney+ shouldn’t re-release Kids Incorporated. Come on man, check out this list: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Mario Lopez, Eric Balfour, Martika, Fergie. YOU’RE LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE!

This week’s unboxing is a little off formula, since it’s not about wrestling or Star Trek, but instead the biggest music (well, rap and hair metal) stars of 1991. This was so big, I had to split it in two, so come back next week for more.

In the 90’s, they gave card sets to just about everything. There is clearly some record company shenanigans here, as tons of huge acts from 1991 are missing for what I can only assume are money related licensing issues.

I still don’t understand this set, with its like 30 subsets, but it’s dirt cheap, so I keep picking up boxes randomly. Just two blasters this time, so not a lot to report, but for $.50 a card, I can’t resist.

I recently found out these actual go for a much lower price, and picked up a whole lot more of them. I don’t think due to the nature of the set, its able to actually complete it, but I can come pretty damn close.



1996 Wildstorm Swimsuit Card Unboxing

Comic Books, Unboxing on January 8, 2024 at 3:17 pm by

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. Santa brought me lots of new boxes to unpack.
Here’s a very strange one, the Wildstorm Swimsuit Set from 1996, back before you could see smut on the internet, and had to use cards with drawings to get by.

It’s kinda like the Marvel Swimsuit Editions, but without all the fake ads and articles, but as a card set, for reasons.

“Santa” is bringing me a bunch of new boxes to open, but until then, here’s me opening yet another old baseball card themed box because I will not stop until I get a complete set, for reasons.

Oh crap, I need more boxes to open, because I’m almost through my backlog of filmed content. I’ll get right on that, but here I open a box of cards dedicated to Season 3 of The Original Series, so it’s not all that good just like in general.

Hope you like Batman, because this old ass set of Star Trek cards by Skybox from 1997 was full of guest stars from Batman. And the deck composition is odd. Just all around a very weird set.

Here’s a totally impractical box from Rittenhouse again. This time it’s all Star Trek Nemesis, which gets a lot of shit, but I love it. Is it great? No, but is it worse than Star Trek V: The Final Frontier? Also no.

This time both autographs were for people better known for characters they played in other things, and only one of them actually appears in the film, which is a real cheat if you ask me.

This is my least favorite Rittenhouse Star Trek box yet. It was very cheap and they were all posters designed by the same artist for every episode of TOS. The concept is good in theory, but I would have liked a little more variety in the execution.

This is certainly not Rittenhouse’s best work. It’s exactly what it says on the tin, but I just don’t think it’s all that good. Especially for just one autograph per box of a background bit player, but as we get further and further from the 60’s, the fact that they even still have ANY autographs becomes more and more amazing.