

Fun with craft store impulse buys!

Posted By on Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 11:11 am
To Captain's Log

I get an hour for lunch every day. I usually spend it at the large shopping center directly across the road from my office with my friend Kat from KatsAnimeHats.com. Since it only takes a half hour to get over there and eat, we usually have some extra time to kill, and because she’s always making hats or some other such thing, we spend a lot of time at the Jo-Ann Fabric. She’s even the mayor on FourSquare we’re there so often. Now I don’t have any real artistic talent at all, so I’m just along for the ride, literally. But I noticed something on our last trip. As you are herded through to the registers, they have several racks of impulse craft buys that are strategically placed at kid eye level, all for $1. Since most kids dragged to craft store probably don’t want to be there, if they make enough of a fuss, they should be able to leave with at least something. So I decided to pick some up that fit the general theme here at InsufficientScotty to see just how much fun you can have at the craft store with the stuff your mother would buy you for a dollar to keep you from causing a scene in public.




Happy Moon Day!

Posted By on Friday July 20, 2012 at 10:49 am
To Captain's Log

It was on this day 43 years ago that man first stepped foot upon another world. It’s important to remember, in these days of a shuttered shuttle program and no clear direction for the future of manned space missions in NASA what we were once able to accomplish.




Today is 7-11 Day!

Posted By on Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 11:24 am
To Captain's Log

7-11 Day

Today is 7-11 Day, that fantastical day where 7-Eleven celebrates it’s “birthday” as it were. But instead of receiving presents, them give them out to customers. So today, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, be sure to stop by your local store to pick up your free 7.11 ounce Slurpee. Sure it’s an odd size, but it’s free, and free is awesome. Standard warning applies. At participating stores, while supplies last, sorry Tennessee!




Stan Lee’s voice is just pure awesomesauce

Posted By on Monday July 2, 2012 at 2:26 pm
To Captain's Log

So the new Amazing Spider-Man movie comes out here in the states tomorrow. It’s already been out overseas for two weeks, and it’s on pace to outsell The Avengers, as if that were even possible. I for one am looking forward to it, even if it seems kind of needless to reboot a 10 year old franchise. Emma Stone makes a much better Gwen Stacy than Kristen Dunst made a Mary Jane anyday. So you know what goes hand in hand with big summer movies? Lots of tie in merchandise! One such example is this awesome book I found while doing one of my standard toy runs at the local Target: A read along story book of Spider-Man’s origins, as read by “The Man” himself, Stan Lee!




Happy Geek Pride Day!

Posted By on Friday May 25, 2012 at 9:46 am
To Captain's Log

Today is Geek Pride Day (also Towel Day). So be sure to let your geek flag (preferably one made of a towel) fly high today. Give everyone the Vulcan Salute, talk in the Batman voice all day, discuss who shot first, wear your best Avengers shirt, and just all around do whatever you like to show off you’re a geek and aren’t afraid to show it.